Wednesday, January 22, 2014


In the Asylum you had to paste a picture and add some effects to it. When you add the bed it shows the greater effects of them, and how you are trapped in this small room and by the way his head is facing it shows the emotions of how he feels when he is trapped in the Asylum. Also, and the quote at the top it shows the way he is feeling about it and hiw the Asylum feels like a prison.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Rock Texture

This was like a 5 step project where you had to change the effects of the background and the words to make it looked like it was blended in.


In this we had to use two images and make the some flowers so that the top half of the flower would look like the bottom half of the crane picture in the bottom half of the flower would look like the top half of the crane picture. I had trouble with changing the colors so that it would look like that but once i figured it out it was easy.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Inner you

Well my shadow is a person playing basketball and even though i'm walking in the shadow it looks like im in the stance of getting ready to do a crossover or take it up for a layup. I used the tools that i had recently used in the tutorials and just made a adjustment layer and changed it to black and white.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Shadow dancing

This one took me a long time because the 3rd step was kinda hard but once i got past that step i figured everything else out. We used lots of different tools like the brush tool which we were using the opacity and the flow for the shadow we also used the transform stuff to but just to flip the girl

Transforming Selections

On this we used the marquee tool also the transform tool which we actually didn't really use it since one you got to go to the next step you didn't actually really use it because the tutorial changed its mind i guess.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Using Transform

You had to practice with the transform tools like the scale, rotate, perspective, skew, distort. Which this wasnt really that hard i guess.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Veggie Head

For this we got to use Photoshop which was our first time using it in this class. So we had to do a tutorial and use new tools like the marquee tool,crop tool, hand tool, lasso tool, and magic wand tool, which i noticed some of this stuff was in illustrator but we didn't really use it like the zoom tool and hand tool.