Wednesday, December 18, 2013


On this final we had to use the pathfinder tool and it wasn't that hard. Because it was basically a couple of circles with gradient touch ups. The stem wasn't that hard but the stars took me some time to get it correct in its circle with the 8 pieces. Also i thought the outer circle was going to be kinda hard but it really wasn't once i figured out what to do.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Company Logo

To do the pattern you had to use the tutorial from the q: drive that showed you how to do it.
Also to do the logo i just used a clipping mask with a circle and turned it into like a circle for the galaxy and i use clipping mask on the letters so that it would kinda go with the background

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Logo Final

In my logo i used Photoshop so that i could use the pen tool to go around my sketch, but i just had to make my own "s" because i didn't like the way it looked on the page. But through all of it it was really easy.

My logo is going to be to make people design who need it and i want it to go for clothing stores also like "diamond".

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Logo Creation

It was kinda hard for me since he didn't really help but i figured it out i guess.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Halloween Poster

I t was Easier than the Halloween effect, The only thing that was kinda hard for me was the gradient but it only took me like 3 minutes to figure it out, so i guess it wasn't that hard.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Halloween Effect

We had to use stuff that we had never used before. It was kinda hard so it took me like two extra days. But, once i got help i knew what i was suppose to do.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Element of Design

Elements of Design

Line – A long, narrow mark or band.

Color –The property possessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a result of the way the object reflects or emits light.

Mass –A coherent, typically large body of matter with no definite shape.

Movement – An act of changing physical location or position or of having this changed
Space – A continuous area or expanse that is free, available, or unoccupied.
 Texture – The feel, appearance, or consistency of a surface or a substance.
Typography – The style and appearance of printed matter.

 Value – The regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something.

Lyrical Typography

The reason i chose "The Language" by drake is because i like that song. And the hand pointing directly at you or who ever is looking at the picture to show that your talking the language that your talking.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Pollution Advertisement

The reason i chose the background was because it had the earth and pollution in the water, so that it could show water pollution on the earth and how you should see the earth today from all of the littering. Also, the reason why i chose this fact was because not a lot of people realize that what they don on their property doesn't only affect their life, but it also affects other. So people should think about the things they do that affect their life and others life's.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Text Effect

We had to use a lot of the paint brush which i didn't really like because in the tutorial it didn't really tell anything about what we were supposed to do so it really wasted a lot of time.

Monday, October 7, 2013

1st 6 weeks reflection

            For the first 6 weeks we learned stuff that really wasn't that hard. It was really just learning the basics of the tools and how to use the tools. We had to use tutorials to learn how to use the tools, and we had to read and look at pictures to get them to look the way they did in the picture that we were looking at to tell if they wrong or not.
            We only used illustrator for the first 6 weeks but i'm sure we are going to use other thing other than illustrator. Since there is other folders like Photoshop and in-design. I felt like this 6 weeks wasn't that hard since it was just the basics and i'm sure its going to get harder because we are probably going to learn even more stuff that is harder then what we are already learning. So, I cant wait to see what else we are going to learn.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Glyph Monster

I think it was kind of hard even though you were using shapes but mine turned out really well i think.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Typography Worksheet

Ny'Kemah Williams

Typography Worksheet:
Use the links below to complete the worksheet

Write out the answers to these questions in complete sentences. 
Label and define all of the above numbers:
1. The ascender line is the imaginary line which determines the height of ascenders.
2. The base line is the imaginary line on which all characters rest. Descender hang below the base line.
3.  The ascender height is the x-height plus the height of the ascending stroke. Distance between the base line and the ascender line.
4. The cap height is the height of capital letters. It is the distance between the base line and the cap line.
5. The descender is the stroke of a letter which dips below the base line, as in the letter g and j.
6. The ascender is the stroke of a letter which rises above the mean line, as in the letters d, f and k.
7. The x-height is the distance between the flat top and bottom of a lower case letter which has no ascender or descender, such as x.
8. The cap line is the imaginary line which determines the height of capital letters.
9. The mean line is the imaginary line which determines the height of lowercase letters. Ascenders rise above the mean line.
10.  The descender line is the imaginary line which defines the bottom reach of descender.

Define Serif:  The fine line that extends from the top and bottom of letters making them easier to read.
Define Sans-Serif:  A typeface that is straight with no serifs or small extensions on letters.
When do you use Antique Fonts?  Can be used to evoke a period feel.
At most how many words should be Decorative Fonts at a time? Therse should be at least 3 words.
What does a script font resemble?  It resembles handwriting.
Why use Symbol Fonts? They provide embellishments to the text.

Define Typography:  Art and process or arranging type of a variety of media purposes and is made up of several parts.
Why do designers need a solid foundation in typography? Because everything you touch, see and created is impacted by the use of writing styles and techniques.
Kerning:  Space located between individual letters or a word.
Leading:  Space between the lines of text.

When do you use Center Alignment? When you want to draw attention to a headline or title.
When do you use Right Alignment?  It’s used for corporate business letters, return address books, business cards, etc.
When do you use Justified Alignment?   You use it for newspapers and body text for textbooks.
What is remembered, good styling, and bad styling?   Why?  Bad styling because its intrusive.
What is legibility? Being able to read it.
Type size smaller than 7pt is:  Difficult to read and type.
Type size smaller than 3pts is: It is utterly illegible.
Type range for legible type is:  it is 1/72 inches.
What size do you use for long passages?You use 8pt to 14pt.
What case do we use for Body?  You use 9pt to 10pt.
What is measure? The width of the text column.
What can you tell me about Ranged/Ragged Edges?  Ranged is aligned, and ragged is hard to read at spead.
What are some ways text can be used as images? Summarize what you see.
Shapes can be made out of letters like making a Christmas tree out of words used to describe the Christmas trees. And a bird being described as things it does or is. You can make all different types of shapes out of words if you believe that you can.

Choosing and Using Type:
**Read ALL of it.  Answer the following: **
Why is choosing and using the right font important?  Give YOUR opinion.  So it won’t look raggedy.
What are the two most important things to remember?   Type is on the page to serve the text, and there are no good and bad typefaces, there are appropriate and inappropriate typefaces.
What is appropriate? What do you have to consider?  That it is a unconscious persuader and it defines the feelings of the page.
Tell me the rules:  (there are 10)
Body text should be between 10 and 12 point, with 11 point best for printing to 300 dot-per-inch printers. Use the same typeface, type size, and leading for all your body copy.
Use enough leading or line spacing. Always add at least 1 or 2points to the type size.
Don’t make your lines too short or too long. Optimum size: Over 30 characters and under 70 characters.
Mae paragraph beginnings clear. Use either an indent or block style for paragraphs. Don’t use both. Don’t use neither, either.
Use only use space after the period.
Don’t justify text unless you have to. If you justify text use hyphenation.
Don’t underline anything, especially not headlines or subheads since lines separate them from the text with which they belong.
Use italics instead of underlines.
Don’t set long blocks of text in italics, bold, or all caps because they’re harder to read.

Leave more space above headlines and subheads than below them, and avoid setting them all in caps. Use subheads liberally to help readers find what they’re looking for.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Simple Shapes

For this project we were given a website that gave us a tutorial of a person with a basketball that we had to create in Adobe Illustrator. We had to use ellipse tools, rectangle tools, And shape builder tool. We also, had to rotate some of the images to fit into the other shapes that we had created. We had to add different colors to it and group some items to make it look the way as it did in the tutorial.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Elements of Design

Elements of Design

Line – A long, narrow mark or band.

Color –The property possessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a result of the way the object reflects or emits light.

Mass –A coherent, typically large body of matter with no definite shape.

Movement – An act of changing physical location or position or of having this changed.

Space – A continuous area or expanse that is free, available, or unoccupied.

 Texture – The feel, appearance, or consistency of a surface or a substance.

Typography – The style and appearance of printed matter.

Value – The regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something